2024 CFO Priorities

Uncover the top priorities of successful CFOs in 2024. Learn about financial stability, cost efficiency, strategic planning, and more. Discover how PlanDelta empowers CFOs to achieve their goals.


Top 6 Priorities for CFOs in 2024

Dora Kuzmanova
July 22, 2024
4 minutes

In the fast-paced world of finance and business, the role of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is crucial. These financial wizards are responsible for managing the company's finances, making strategic decisions, and ensuring the overall financial health of the organization. But have you ever wondered what exactly CFOs want? Let's dive into the minds of these financial masterminds and explore what drives them.

1. Financial Stability

At the core of every CFO's priorities is financial stability. CFOs want to ensure that the company is financially sound and able to weather any economic storms that may come its way. This means carefully managing cash flow, monitoring expenses, and making strategic investments that will yield long-term returns. As Steven Wasserman shared in his Forbes article, "CFOs prioritize financial health to not just survive, but thrive during economic uncertainties."

2. Data-driven Insights

In today's data-driven world, CFOs want access to real-time financial data and insights that will help them make informed decisions. They rely on financial reporting tools, analytics, and forecasting models to track key performance indicators, identify trends, and spot potential risks or opportunities. According to Oracle, leveraging advanced analytics and AI tools is becoming a norm among CFOs to stay ahead of the curve.

3. Cost Efficiency

CFOs are always on the lookout for ways to optimize costs and improve efficiency. Whether it's renegotiating contracts with suppliers, streamlining business processes, or implementing new technology solutions, CFOs are constantly seeking ways to maximize the company's resources and drive profitability. The CFO Business Agenda 2024 highlights that in 2024, cost optimization remains a top priority, with an enterprise-wide approach to evaluating cost and investment decisions being crucial.

4. Strategic Planning

CFOs play a key role in setting the company's strategic direction and long-term goals. They want to work closely with the CEO and other senior executives to develop a clear vision for the company and create a roadmap for achieving success. This involves analyzing market trends, assessing competitive threats, and identifying growth opportunities. As noted by PwC, strategic planning is essential for CFOs to drive growth and sustainability in an ever-changing economic landscape.

5. Regulatory Compliance

In today's complex regulatory environment, CFOs must ensure that the company is in compliance with all financial laws and regulations. They want to stay ahead of changing regulations, mitigate risks, and maintain transparency and integrity in financial reporting. The constant evolution of regulations requires CFOs to be proactive and vigilant, as noted by CFO.com.

6. Embracing Digital Transformation

As we move further into 2024, CFOs are increasingly focusing on digital transformation. Integrating new technologies like AI and machine learning into financial systems not only improves efficiency but also enhances the accuracy and speed of financial processes. EY's research shows that CFOs are leading the charge in adopting AI to drive profitable growth and transformative change within their organizations.

PlanDelta: The Ultimate CFO Tool

PlanDelta is designed to meet all these needs. It offers an easy-to-use, flexible solution that provides both the big picture and the detailed insights CFOs require. By integrating real-time data analytics, cost optimization tools, and compliance tracking, PlanDelta empowers CFOs to make informed decisions, streamline processes, and ensure financial stability. It supports strategic planning with comprehensive market analysis tools and enhances regulatory compliance with up-to-date regulatory frameworks and automated reporting features.


What CFOs want ultimately boils down to one thing: SUCCESS. CFOs are driven by a desire to see their company thrive and grow, and the path to achieve that is by building a strong team and providing people with the best solutions. PlanDelta is the ultimate tool for every CFO to achieve all - easy to use, flexible, giving you both - the big picture with all the details behind. Check it out here.